Citizens Plaza Wave101 ツイート ページID K1036293 更新日 令和5年9月20日 印刷 The Citizens Pl…
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Citizens Plaza Wave101 ツイート ページID K1036293 更新日 令和5年9月20日 印刷 The Citizens Pl…
or senior citizens ツイート ページID K1036263 更新日 令和5年7月19日 印刷 Consultations are a…
he Senior Citizens Welfare Section. Content of main services: Keiro-kai (Respec…
. Senior citizens and people who have difficulty walking should start evacuatin…
ure Hall Citizens Plaza Wave101 J:COM Urayasu Concert Hall Old Clinic Places…
. Urayasu Citizens’ Festival and Gardening Festival The festival was bustling w…
nquiries: Citizens Safety Measures Section, Tel: 712-6590 ● Balance bike expe…
f senior citizens in the city’s population will rise to 27.7 percent. In light…
nquiries: Citizens Safety Measures Section, Tel: 712-6590 Penalty: Up to one yea…
4 Urayasu Citizens’ Festival Date and time: April 27 (Sat.) and 28 (Sun.), 10 …
n foreign citizens in the city, and the diversification of needs in addition to …
also from citizens and businesses. Take this Environment Month as an opportuni…
yasu City Citizens' Festival; and 47th Ueki Festival The joint festival featur…
or senior citizens Public financial assistance for everyday living Disaster Pre…
Location: Citizens Plaza Wave 101 Eligibility: y Those earning employment incom…
about the Citizen’s Festival… Commerce Industry and Tourism Section Tel: 712-62…
place for citizens to learn about the environment in the future, we confirmed t…
rotecting citizens and the city from flood damage” continues to be an important…
Location: Citizens Plaza (Irifune 1-4-1) Ichikawa Venue Kakutei Shinkoku (Inco…