e Center) Ichikawa Hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.to 5:15 p.m. Location 5-11-…
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e Center) Ichikawa Hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.to 5:15 p.m. Location 5-11-…
n office. Ichikawa Pension Office Hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.to 5:15 p.m. …
Tel. 189 Ichikawa Child Consultation Center This child consultation center has…
y Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center DescriptionVideo interpretation Languages: En…
ns to the Ichikawa Tax Office (1-11-10 Kitakata, Ichikawa City) in person, via p…
on to the Ichikawa Tax Office or by mail (must be postmarked by March 15) to th…
he venue. Ichikawa Venue Date and time: Mon. - Fri. (excluding national holidays…
nquiries: Ichikawa Tax Office Tel: 047-355-4101 (Residential Tax Section) Revis…
ion plan (Ichikawa Second Phase and Keiyo Port Second Phase Area Reclamation P…
quiries: Ichikawa Pension Office Tel: 047-704-1177 National Health Insurance &…
nquiries: Ichikawa Tax Office, Tel: 047-335-4101 (Residential Tax Section) Conv…
y Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center 当代島 3-4-32 Ⅰ類 健康増進課 82 公 主要団体等 浦安市医師会 Urayasu …
form). ■ Ichikawa Venue Date and time: Until March 15 (Tue.) from 8:30 a.m. to …
a fever. Ichikawa Health Center, the central organization tak- ing the lead in …
ch of the Ichikawa Telephone Exchange Station to handle the rapid increase in …
nquiries: Ichikawa Pension Office Tel: 047-704-1177, National Health In- surance…