on to the Civic Affairs Section.You must choose a crematorium before submitting …
ここから本文です。 |
on to the Civic Affairs Section.You must choose a crematorium before submitting …
ts to the Civic Affairs Section at Urayasu City Hall when you are getting divorc…
le at the Civic Affairs Section. When you submit a moving-out notification, you …
on to the Civic Affairs Section at Urayasu City Hall within fourteen days of you…
with the Civic Affairs Section.The Civic Affairs Section has the necessary regi…
on to the Civic Affairs Section at Urayasu City Hall within seven days of learni…
ts to the Civic Affairs Section at Urayasu City Hall when you are getting marrie…
ntact the Civic Affairs Section. Where to obtain the documents and hours of oper…
ly at the Civic Affairs Section. To extend your residence card or change your st…
ly at the Civic Affairs Section on the first floor of the Urayasu City Hall. You…
Hall 1F (Civic Hall) (2) February 6 (Tue.) to 15 (Thu.), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excl…
Hall 1F (Civic Hall), local public halls Note: please wash all used clothes an…
の会 ぞうさん組、 Civic Tech URA-CIMA (Code for URA-CIMA)、浦安子ど も劇場、うらやす景観まちづくりフォーラム、まちプラ…
Hall 1F (Civic Hall) Eligibility: 40 people on a first-come, first-served basi…
Hall 1F (Civic Hall) Note: Please wash all used clothes and rags, and place t…
Hall 1F (Civic Hall) Inquiries: Schemes and Services Section for The Disabled,…
Hall 1F (Civic Hall) Details: Photo exhibition, display of various items, pic…
市民活動センター Civic Activity Center 猫実 1-1-1 Ⅱ類 a 地域振興課 18 公 そのほかの施設 消費生活センター Consum…
Hall 1F (Civic Hall) Note: Please place dry used clothes and rags in a transp…
nquiries: Civic Activity Center Tel: 305-1721 It’s Spring! Let’s Go Out! i ! ’…