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のみの文字列 27 CON CONのみの文字列 28 LPT0~LPT9 {LPT}&0から9の連番のみの文字列 29 NUL NULのみの文字列 30 PRN…
r alcohol con- sumption, smoking, and government-controlled gambling such as hor…
D will be con- ducted. Come test if you can correctly push down on the chest. T…
come more con- scious of reducing food waste and put forth an effort to minimize…
g medical con- ditions are defined as those who meet any of the following criter…
nutrition con- cerns. Please do not hesitate to consult us, even regarding small…
, are not con- sidered as minors when deciding the resident tax exception starti…
e are all con- cerned that a large-scale Tokyo metropolitan earth- quake, or Nan…
g medical con- dition wishing to be vaccinated, please inquire the COVID-19 Vac-…
e. Please con- tact us if you experi- ence any reception problems. Inquiries: 7…
nests. In con- sideration of safety, Urayasu City will cover expenses for pest …
0 yen for Con- cert Hall Tomo-no-Kai members) *Re- served seating only Applicati…