can help you identify changes in your body at an early stage, and can prove us…
ここから本文です。 |
can help you identify changes in your body at an early stage, and can prove us…
ill allow you to act calmly. If communi- cation to the affected area increases a…
come tax. You can receive consultations and submit your tax returns at the tax …
to help you take quick and appropriate evacuation action in an emergency. Dow…
体例 より 「あなたの生活についての調査」結果について イラストを見て、自分の生活の中で大変だと思っていることがある小中学生 イラストを見て、自分…
☎305・1721 あなたの近くにも ま ち づ く り 活 動 まちプラ文化祭・ 市民活動フェスタ with 浦安水辺の会 リバーウオーク 発行/浦安市 所在…
lved. If you find illegally dumped garbage, contact the Environmental Health S…
Museum If you are troubled by wild animals The city lends out traps to prevent d…
em. Have you ever heard of the aquatic plant ryu-no- higemo? Commonly known as …
) Even if you did not have income or were exempt from municipal/prefectural tax …
ルです。 Have you ever experienced any of these things? If you have experienced any …
Japanese, you can read newsletters in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Portugue…
may call you back to check the location and other information. Make sure you a…
quired if you wish to use crafting materials prepared by Chuo Library. Chuo L…
n mind so you can act quickly if you or someone around you experience these sy…
お手伝いしましょう。あな たの思いやりが を防ぎます。また、携帯電話で通話をしなが らATMを操作している高齢者を見かけたら声を掛けていただき、110…
ake sure you know what actions to take so that you can respond immedi- ately wh…
① 申 請 者 ( あ な た の 氏 名 ) Person submitting the form ( 証 明 を 必 要 と す る 人 ) □上記(申請者…
olved. If you find illegally dumped garbage, contact the Environmental Health …
s (pulp). You will experience extreme pain. Inquiries: Health Promotion Sectio…