quired to pay the tax for the following year. Therefore, please be sure to compl…
ここから本文です。 |
quired to pay the tax for the following year. Therefore, please be sure to compl…
.) How to Pay Taxes: y For those who are self-employed: “General Collection” p…
quired to pay the light motor vehicle tax by type for the following fiscal year…
30万円以下。事前にPay払いの残高のチャージが必要 キャッシュレス納付 ▶二次元コードを利用したコンビニ納付 自宅などで、国税庁ホームページで提供する作成…
30万円以下(au PAYは25万円以下)の納付書のみ利用できます 利用できる税・保険料 市民課・市民税課の窓口で現金を取り出す手間がなく、スムーズ に支払え…
formation Pay attention to the latest Disaster Prevention Weather In- formation …
or use to pay for municipal/prefectural taxes, insurance fees, and han- dling fe…
30万円以下。事前にPay払いの残高のチャージが必要 キャッシュレス納付 ▶二次元コードを利用したコンビニ納付 自宅などで、国税庁ホームページで提供する作成…
ntinue to pay close attention to governmental direction and decide when to send…
File and Pay Your Income Tax by Friday, March 15 This is a consulta- tion servi…
1. If you pay the taxes through automatic withdrawal from your salary, your ce…
ormation Pay attention to the latest Disaster Prevention Weather Information u…
ary 2020 (pay statement, pension deposit notice, etc.) Inquiries: Child Service…
e sure to pay the premium by the due date. Please note that the National Health…
u wish to pay your water/sewerage fees using a credit card, please confirm you…
currently pay 30%. Inquiries: (1) Out-of-pocket Medical Expenses for the Latte…
after you pay the handling fees and the like via cashless payment (credit card,…
you will pay for the co-payment up to a ceiling-amount, is only valid until Ju…
ust still pay the tax (annual tax) for that year. Therefore, be sure to com- pl…
you will pay for the co-payment up to a ceiling-amount, is only valid until J…