paredness App The city has released “Urayasu Disaster Preparedness App,” a sma…
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paredness App The city has released “Urayasu Disaster Preparedness App,” a sma…
paredness App (PDF 1.7MB) このページが参考になったかをお聞かせください。 質問1:このページの内容は参考になりましたか? 1.参考…
the LINE app. National Tax Agency official LINE account: @kokuzei What to bri…
martphone App Through Your Internet Browser ❶ Scan the 2D code at right with yo…
the LINE app. Depending on the number of numbered admission tickets distribute…
icate An app has been provided that allows you to view the novel coro- navirus …
the LINE app, select the Uraya- su City account and tap the “友だちに追加 (Add Frien…
e payment app to make your payment. y For salaried income earner: “Special Coll…
paredness app. We will start work on the outdoor loudspeakers in FY2025, and fi…
martphone app. For more details, please see the Ministry of Health, Labour and …
e sorting app Kuru-Navi to learn the rules for sorting. Note: The Garbage and …