the app. Note: You are responsible for all communication charges related to dow…
ここから本文です。 |
the app. Note: You are responsible for all communication charges related to dow…
culture! Note: Closed on Mondays (but open on January 13 [Mon., a national holi…
holidays) Note: We receive many applications for bulky item collection at the en…
ps, 38 km Note: For more information about the skill levels required for each cl…
awa City) Note: There is no parking fee service. From February 4 (Tue.) to 7 (Fr…
students) Note: Walk-ins will be accepted on the day of the workshop if it is n…
day life. Note: A fee is required to use the equipment (only cashless payment i…
als, etc. Note: You will be entering the rice paddy barefoot. Come in clothes t…
ortant to note that elderly people and infants are especially vulnerable to hea…
t 6 p.m.) Note: Cancelled in case of rain. If it rains on both days, the event w…
udents). Note: Walk-ins will be accepted on the day of the workshop if it is n…
le fire. Note: The numbers above are preliminary figures. Source: Shobo no Ugok…
the like. Note: Applications before your child is born are only accepted for Ap…
lic halls Note: please wash all used clothes and rags, and place the dry items …
is date). Note: One application per group. Inquiries: Commerce Industry and Tou…
fication. Note: Please file your tax return at the Residential Tax Section. (You…
chiba-u/) Note: If capacity is not exceeded, you can participate without applic…
1. Please note that if you are currently a member of a child-rearing club, you …
a month. Note: It is more effective to set the air flow to “automatic” and the …
traffic> Note: Bus services for certain routes will be suspended on the day of …