ku (Final Tax Returns) File and Pay Your Income Tax and File Your Municipal/ Pre…
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ku (Final Tax Returns) File and Pay Your Income Tax and File Your Municipal/ Pre…
efectural tax due to low during the previous year, you must still file municipa…
ku (Final Tax Returns) (PDF 1.3MB) January 1, 2025 No.332(2025年1月1日号) Happy Ne…
u (Income Tax Returns) (PDF 1.0MB) January 1, 2024 No.320(2024年1月1日号) Happy Ne…
ku(Income Tax Return) (PDF 2.2MB) January 1, 2023 No.308(2023年1月1日号) Happy New…
resident tax A flat rate reduction of 10,000 yen will be applied to those with …
hometown tax system gift. In addition, the project also conducts tours for chi…
e of city tax certificates Residential Tax Section Tax Collection Section Fixed …
(Hometown Tax quota) Eligibility: Those who do not live in Urayasu City but hav…
r vehicle tax by type for the following fiscal year. Make sure to complete the …
hometown tax system, and was honored for its contribution to revitalizing the …
( Income Tax Return ) You Can File Your Tax Return Using a Computer or Smar…
tool for Tax Payment Amount/ Tax Exemption Certificates Convenience store issu…
(Income Tax Return) March 15 (Tue.) is the deadline for filing and paying your…
o pay the tax for the following year. Therefore, please be sure to complete nece…
(Income Tax Returns) are now more convenient with the use of smartphones St…
(Hometown Tax bracket) Eligibility: Those who do not live in Urayasu City but h…
sidential Tax Section (City Hall 2F), Station City Service Centers (Urayasu, S…
Taxation/Tax Exemption Certificates Issuance of taxation/tax exemption certif…
ailing of Tax Notice for National Health Insurance of FY2024 The Tax Notice for…