彰、統計、行政改革、その他市政などに関すること 公益財団法人うらやす財団などに関すること お問い合わせは専用フォームをご利用ください。 法務文書課 条例・規則の…
ここから本文です。 |
license, etc.) If a representative is coming, the person must bring your proxy …
license, etc.) Personal seal to register このページが参考になったかをお聞かせください。 質問1:このページの内容…
license, etc.) When two foreign nationals are getting married The laws of marr…
nce card, etc.) このページが参考になったかをお聞かせください。 質問1:このページの内容は参考になりましたか? 1.参考になった 2.参考…
ortswear, etc.). Enrolling in a private school After your child is admitted to a…
nsurance, etc.) Apply at your place of employment. National Health Insurance App…
dementia, etc. Residents between the ages of 40 and 64 can use these services if…
ねを払はらうとき その他たの支援しえん(サービス) 自宅じたくで、入浴にゅうよく、トイレ、食事しょくじなどを手伝てつだってもらう 目めに障しょうがいのある人…
, eating, etc. at home assistance for the vision impaired when they need to go o…
plastics, etc. Dispose of these items in city-designated garbage bags. You can p…
license, etc.). Clean Center Hours Monday to Saturday, 9 to 11 a.m.and 1 to 4 p…
sh, meat, etc.) Wash and dry these before disposing of them in the collection bo…
at night, etc. Child Abuse Hotline Available 24 hours This number is toll-free…
nis room, etc. Hours 9 a.m.to 9 p.m.(closed on the first and third Wednesdays an…
elderly, etc. Senior citizens and people who have difficulty walking should st…
injured, etc. About three days after the earthquake Live using the items you …
rthquake, etc. strikes and you are no longer able to live at your house. These a…