をしてください。 料金りょうきん・集あつめる日ひ・受付うけつけ番号ばんごうなどを、お知しらせします。 粗大そだいごみ処理しょり券けん(シール)をコンビニエンス…
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をしてください。 料金りょうきん・集あつめる日ひ・受付うけつけ番号ばんごうなどを、お知しらせします。 粗大そだいごみ処理しょり券けん(シール)をコンビニエンス…
けです。 電話でんわ料金りょうきんは無料むりょう(0円えん)です。 電話でんわ 189(いちはやく) 市川いちかわ児童じどう相談そうだん所しょ 浦安市うらやすし…
ust pay a fee to obtain copies of your residence record or personal seal registr…
ficate.No fee required. Your My Number card expires when your visa expires. If y…
equires a fee. このページが参考になったかをお聞かせください。 質問1:このページの内容は参考になりましたか? 1.参考になった 2.参考に…
ous year. Fee required. Location and hours of operation Taxation Certificate Co…
ous year. Fee A fee is required to use nursery school services. The amount is de…
safely. A fee is required to use this service. Please contact the Youth Services…
ection in charge. Subsidies for Supporting Childbirth/Childcare When you get pre…
r.) Note: Fee required. Staff members will visit your house to give you haircuts…
ructor. Fee 300yen per month (textbook fee is not included). Payment is made s…
to pay a fee to get your bicycle back. There are municipal bicycle parking lots…
istration fee is required.You will receive a dog tag (pet permit). When ownershi…
ed, and a fee is required for using a grave site.Urayasu City has a municipal gr…
it for a fee.No application needed. Note:Be sure to bring a document that prove…
. Free of charge. Inheritance is the process of passing on family money, real es…
d plays.A fee is required to use the facilities. Hours 9 a.m.to 9 p.m.(entrance …
d plays.A fee is required to use the facilities. Hours 9 a.m.to 9 p.m.(the dedic…
studios.A fee is required to use the facilities. Hours 9 a.m.to 10 p.m.(the serv…
e free of charge. Hours Monday to Sunday, 10 a.m.to 4 p.m. Closed on national h…