知しらせます 2:注意報ちゅういほう(大雨おおあめ・洪水こうずい・高潮たかしお) ハザードマップ(危険きけんな場所ばしょがわかる地図ちず)で調しらべてくださ…
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知しらせます 2:注意報ちゅういほう(大雨おおあめ・洪水こうずい・高潮たかしお) ハザードマップ(危険きけんな場所ばしょがわかる地図ちず)で調しらべてくださ…
るかもしれないので、注意ちゅういしてください。大おおきく揺ゆれたあとは、続つづいて何なん回かいか揺ゆれることがよくあります 地震じしんの5分ふん後ご ラジオ…
(外部リンク) Note: This about site is only japanese You need a personal seal regis…
olidays) Note: Passport applications are not accepted on Sunday. When passports…
coroner’s note (written by a doctor) ・Death notification (available at the hospi…
Hall 2F) Note: Closed on Saturday, Sunday and year-end/New Year holidays. What …
nrollment notice (postcard) will be sent to households with eligible children ar…
ery year. Note: If the start or end date of the filing period is a Saturday or S…
nd over.) Note: Fee required. Staff members will visit your house to give you ha…
s. Please note that you will not receive a refund if you quit your studies midwa…
the city. Note: Fee required. このページが参考になったかをお聞かせください。 質問1:このページの内容は参考になりましたか? …
d. Please note that your pet’s remains cannot be returned to you. If you wish to…
Saturday Note: Garbage and recyclables are collected on national holidays but n…
n needed. Note:Be sure to bring a document that proves you live in Urayasu City …
rmarkets. Note:You cannot recycle paper cartons lined with aluminum. White poly…
to 5 p.m. Note: Closed on national holidays, year-end/New Year holidays Location…
le do not notice any tremors Shindo 1Some people inside buildings may feel the t…
ecessary Note: If you have to evacuate, remember to bring valuables such as you…
(外部リンク) Note: Urayasu City does not operate the services on the linked page. …
y School Note: Only temporary retreat centers in affected areas that are deemed…