rning the Japanese language ツイート ページID K1036232 更新日 令和4年12月1日 印刷 For the n…
ここから本文です。 |
rning the Japanese language ツイート ページID K1036232 更新日 令和4年12月1日 印刷 For the n…
hose with Japanese nationality only) ツイート ページID K1036136 更新日 令和4年11月7日 印刷 Y…
arrying a Japanese national To be prepared by the foreign national partner Affi…
ed from a Japanese national) When a foreign national and a Japanese national ar…
ased is a Japanese national) Municipality where the deceased passed away Municip…
glish and Japanese) 6 Become familiar with evacuation shelters and temporary re…
rent is a Japanese national) What to bring Birth certificate (obtained at the …
ation for Japanese children consists of a total of 9 years: elementary school (6…
derstands Japanese as much as possible. Hospitals and Clinics Tokyo Bay Urayasu …
from the Japanese pension system and returning to their home country can receiv…
e is only japanese You need a personal seal registration card to obtain a perso…
in simple Japanese This version of the city newsletter is written in simple Japa…
hose with Japanese nationality who are age eighteen or over can vote in Japanese…
issued in Japanese.) Disaster prevention radio City vehicle with a speaker Ura…
enter (in Japanese only) to make a pickup reservation. The center will notify yo…
Chinese, Japanese Tuesday: English, Polish, Russian, French, Japanese Wednesday…
ildren of Japanese nationals and long-term residents as well as international st…
available Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, F…
-0030 (in Japanese only) このページが参考になったかをお聞かせください。 質問1:このページの内容は参考になりましたか? 1.参考に…
ildren of Japanese nationals, or special permanent residents (North or South Kor…