hanges to your residence card ツイート ページID K1036135 更新日 令和4年9月30日 印刷 A reside…
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hanges to your residence card ツイート ページID K1036135 更新日 令和4年9月30日 印刷 A reside…
will need your residence card or special permanent residence certificate. Movin…
contains your photo, name, address, date of birth and gender, so it can be used…
月30日 印刷 Your residence record confirms your address, name, date of birth and n…
sulate of your home country. Your birth certificate and its Japanese translation…
register your personal seal to make it your official seal. Register with the Ci…
based on your income and deductions for the previous year. Fee required. Locat…
sulate of your home country that you have gotten divorced. When two foreign nati…
n receive your passport on a Sunday even if it falls on a national holiday. Who …